Education - Planned projects in the field of Education.

School is in desperate need to build additional rooms to provide education for increasing student population.
  • The high school needs assembly hall for students during graduation and meetings. Estimated cost of this room is $60,000.
  • The high school needs Science laboratories to prepare students for college education.
    Estimated cost of this project is $10,000.
  • The high school needs fund to provide scholarships and text books for needy students, who are unable to get educational resources.
    Estimated cost of this project is $10,000.
  • The high school needs potable water and toilets for students and teachers.
    Estimated cost of this project is $20,000.
  • The high school needs internet connection for students to communicate with outer resources.
    Estimated cost of this project is $5,000.
  • The high school needs a cricket playground.
    Estimated cost of this project is $30,000.

Health - Planned projects in the field of Health.

  • This community lacks basic health clinic to provide services to patients and pregnant women. The clinic will be built with adequate health facility to treat local residents. The doctor will be visiting this village frequently to treat patients. Internet connection will be established to communicate with doctor by medical nurse through computer software. Local medical nurse will provide patient data to doctor for diagnosis and prescribe medicine.
    Estimated cost of this project is $50,000.
  • Purchase an ambulance to transport local patients to nearest hospital.
    Estimated cost of this project is $30,000.

Charity - Planned Projects in the field of Infrastructure

  • Build water System for all residents of this village to obtain potable water continuously during entire year. Deep well will be drilled in the area of the vicinity, where adequate supply of water is available. Water will be pumped to village by three miles long piping system with adequate lifting pumps. Water filtering system will be added to purify water for residents.
    Estimated cost of this project is $100,000.
  • This village lacks a sewer system for draining waste water. The sewer system will eliminate the health hazard and improve the cleanliness of the residential area. Estimated cost of this project is $50,000.
  • This village lacks fire extinguishing equipments to protect property and farmers’ crops. Residents use water buckets to extinguish fire manually, which makes difficult to save property. We are planning to purchase fire extinguishing equipments. Estimated cost of this project is $30,000.

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